zondag 23 september 2012

Worried About a Child’s Weight?

If your child is overweight and you want to decrease his or her total calorie intake, consider not only what gets eaten at mealtime, but also what gets eaten in between. Parents also need to remember to monitor the fluids children drink.
Before embarking on a reduced-calorie diet, consult your child’s pediatrician to discuss weight trends and any chronic health conditions your child may have. If the pediatrician recommends a reduced-calorie diet, a pediatric dietitian can guide you in planning meals and snacks that will help your child reach a healthy weight.

Six general rules to follow

Here are some general rules we recommend to parents:
  1. Don’t let kids drink their calories. The No. 1 beverage of choice is water. Making the simple change to water from juice and soda can easily decrease the overall calories in your child’s diet. For example, a child who drinks one 8-ounce glass of juice per day typically takes in 120 calories. Doing without juice will prevent a weight gain of about 1 pound per month.
  2. Keep it colorful. Include at least one serving of whole fruit at every meal, and two servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner (vegetables should occupy half your child’s plate.) The vegetables should be free of added fats, such as butter, cheese, oils, cream sauces and dressings.
  3. Dial up the dairy. Children need three servings of dairy food every day to meet the calcium requirements so important to bone health as they grow. Include one serving of fat-free dairy at each meal — 1 cup of fat-free milk, 1 ounce of fat-free cheese or 1 cup of fat-free yogurt. If your child is having a hard time making the switch to fat-free milk, try adding sugar-free chocolate syrup.
  4. Bake it, broil it or grill it. When you choose meat as the protein source for a child’s meal, baking, broiling and grilling are excellent options. These methods of cooking require no added fat. If your child doesn’t care for meat or wants to try something new, get creatieve
  5. with tofu or beans, such as pinto beans, black beans or kidney beans. These are excellent sources of protein. Servings of protein —whether meat, tofu or beans — should be 3 ounces (the size of your child’s fist).
  6. Fold in some fiber. For a starchy side dish, go with whole-grain options that add fiber, such as whole-wheat pasta, brown rice or a whole-wheat dinner roll. Better yet, select a starchy side vegetable, such as a sweet potato. The starchy side should occupy no more than one-fourth of your child’s plate. For proper portion control, use one scoop from a standard serving spoon.
  7. Keep snacking simple. Give your child fresh fruits and vegetables alone, without dips. If you choose a fruit cup, select only fruit packed in its own juice. To spark interest in veggies, try using hummus or fat-free dressing as a dip. Don’t give in to a child’s demand for high-calorie snacks. Typically, when children refuse fruits and vegetables, they aren’t really hungry.

  8. How do I know if my child is overweight?


    It may be hard for you to tell if your child is overweight. As children grow and develop, some weight changes are normal. If you’re concerned about your child’s weight, talk to your family doctor. Your doctor will use a chart to find out your child’s ideal weight. If your child is heavier than 95% of other children who are the same age and height, he or she is considered to be overweight.

    How can I teach my child better eating habits?

    Weight problems can be very hard to fix, so it's important to prevent the problem if possible. Here are some tips to help keep your child at a healthy weight:Provide a healthy diet for your child. Determine how many calories your child should eat, and read the Nutrition Facts Label when eating packaged food. In general, be sure to provide plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Your family doctor or a dietitian can answer any questions you have about what to feed your child.Children shouldn’t drink more than one serving per day of sugar-sweetened beverages, such as fruit juice, fruit drink, regular-calorie soft drink, sports drink, energy drink, sweetened or flavored milk, sweetened iced tea. Instead, have them drink water as much as possible. Talk with your family doctor or a dietitian about your child’s diet.Get the whole family to start eating a healthier diet, so your child won't feel alone and will have role models to look up to.Eat meals and snacks together, as a family, and at the table, not in front of the TV.Limit the amount of time your child spends watching TV, playing video games, or sitting in front of a computer toa maximum of 2 hours per day.Encourage your child to eat slowly, and not eat if they are starting to feel full.Don’t make your child eat when he or she isn't hungry – it's okay if you child doesn't eat everything on his or her plate at every meal.Don't use food to comfort or to reward your child.Don't offer dessert as a reward for finishing a meal. Doing this teaches your child to value sweets more than other foods. Fast food is typically very high in calories, saturated fat and trans fat, so limit visits to fast-food restaurants to a maximum of once per week.Spend time being active with your child--go on family walks and play outdoor games together whenever you can.Be a good role model – make sure that you are making healthy food choices and incorporating exercise into your life, too!

If my child is overweight now, will he or she always have a weight problem?

Not all heavy children have weight problems as adults. However, as children get older, their risk for remaining overweight increases. The risk is even higher if one or both parents are also overweight. If your child is overweight, it is important to deal with the issue sooner rather than later

Could my child's weight problem be caused by a hormonal imbalance?

Most overweight children do not have a hormone imbalance. Children who have a hormone imbalance grow slower than other children and they often have other symptoms, such as fatigue, constipation or dry skin. If your child has these symptoms, talk with your doctor.

How can I help my child lose weight?

The best way for your child to lose weight is for the entire family to eat healthier and to exercise more. As a parent, you can help your child do both. Be patient – it may take some time. Don't limit how much food your child can eat. Instead, offer food that is healthier, such as fruits and vegetables. At the same time, don't put too much focus on his or her weight. Make sure you praise your child for his or her strengths, to build self-esteem.

How can I help my child get more physical activity?

  • One of the best things you can do for your child is to limit TV time. Instead, suggest playing tag, having foot races, skating and playing other active games. Encourage your child to join school and community sports teams. Take the whole family on walks and bike rides whenever possible. Playing organized sports or martial arts, while helpful for personal growth and self esteem, do not provide enough exercise to help a child lose weight, so find ways to add more activity to their day.
  • By encouraging physical activity and involving the whole family, your child is more likely to continue an active lifestyle as he or she matures.

    Can medicine help my child lose weight?

    No diet medicines are safe for children.

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