woensdag 5 september 2012

Overdo the Ice Cream? or benish belly fat!

Bathing suit season inspires us to be as fit as possible — but by the end of the Summer, we've spent more time barbecuing and eating ice cream than we have working out!

  1. Work out in the great outdoors. The weather is getting cooler, making late summer/early fall the perfect time to take your workout outside, says White. "Grab a friend and some weights and create a circuit in the backyard," he suggests. Plus, racing season begins in the fall — consider signing up for one near you! For more outdoor workout inspiration, check out SELF's 8 Outdoor Bench Moves.
  2. It's all about the schedule. "The key to fitting into those skinny jeans is schedule," says White. "Adopting a routine will help in every facet of your weight-loss plan." Put regular, healthy meals and workouts right into your weekly fall calendar, and you'll be ahead of the game. SELF's Diet Club is a great way for you and your friends to plan an 8-pound weight loss in just four weeks.
  3. School or office-supply shopping? Pick up an extra notebook, and use it to record everything you eat. "You are less likely to snack if you know everything you eat must be written down!" says White.
  4. Take advantage of the cornucopia of new fruits and vegetables the cooler months bring. "Explore the fare at your local farmers' market," says White. "By buying local, you're supporting the community and cutting out some of the processed and fake foods from your diet!"
  5. Don't drop your water habit just because the temperature is dropping. "Just because you aren't sweating doesn't mean you don't need water," says White. "Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go."
  6. Get back on a regular sleep schedule. "Sleep is often compromised in the summer with vacations and trips to the beach," says White, adding that this is the time to set a regular schedule again. "Getting enough sleep is sometimes ignored in the weight-loss equation, but it's a crucial element," he says. "Exercise factors into this as well -- if you exercise, you're more likely to fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly

    5 Foods That Banish Belly Fat 

     There are exercises that target your abs to help you get the rock-hard stomach you've always dreamed of. But if you really want to double-team belly bulge, you'll need to eliminate sugar and processed carbs while also incorporating fat-burning foods into your diet. Keep reading to see which foods can help trim inches from your waistline!


    You may think that eating less will help you lose weight, but you should never skip meals, especially the first meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast jump-starts your metabolism, regulates your blood sugar levels, and gives you energy to carry you through lunchtime. Fiber-rich oatmeal is a great option because it's filling, so you won't indulge in a muffin or bagel by midmorning. Opt for plain oatmeal since the flavored brands can be full of sugar.


    Research has shown that a diet rich in blueberries may help diminish belly fat. Even if blueberries are frozen, they maintain most of their nutritional benefits.


    It's said that MUFA (monounsaturated fats) are a secret ingredient that helps burn away belly fat. Almonds are a good source of monounsaturated fats and help curb cravings since they are a good source of vegetable protein and fiber.
    For a fun twist on regular almonds, try this healthy and hearty almond berry banana yogurt smoothie.


    Cutting down on fried, fatty, calorie-rich foods in order to obtain lean abs is a must. What's great about lean proteins like fish, tofu, or turkey meat, is that they provide you with lots of energy and burn more calories when digested.
    When choosing a fish, try salmon or tuna since they are both high in omega-3s, which reduce inflammation in the body and can help regulate your hormones.


    Green veggies like romaine or arugula lettuce, spinach, and broccoli are not only packed with vitamins and minerals, low in calories, but contain a high amount of fiber as well. Make yourself a ginormous salad for lunch and it'll keep you filled throughout the afternoon. Or have a smaller salad before a meal, and you'll find yourself eating less of the main course.

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