dinsdag 21 augustus 2012

Foods that Can Ruin Your Workout

20 Foods that Can Ruin Your Workout


While they are great for your body (and weight loss), flaxseeds are full of fiber, which could impede your workout efforts by causing gas and/or bloating.
You definitely want to limit the amount of fiber you take in 2 hours before and after exercising. In addition to flaxseeds, stay away from fiber supplements, bran, and high-fiber breads and opt for a mixture of protein and carbohydrates instead right before your workout.

Gel Packs
Think that energy gel is a great way to prep for your workout? Think again! "Unless you are very athletic (engaging in over 90 minutes of cardiovascular training per day), chances are you don't need those gel packs, Taking in all that sugar will disrupt insulin levels and lead you to a dietary-binge later on in the day.
Don't get us wrong, we love healthy hummus just as much as you do, but you may want to stay away from it right before a workout."Bean-based foods (such as hummus) are high in indigestible carbohydrates that may cause uncomfortable gas and bloating.
While low-fat dairy may be part of a healthy diet, consuming it before a workout could slow you down. "Most athletes I work with have issues consuming dairy 2 hours before and after exercise,
Flavored Water
Even though most flavored waters are touted as great 'fitness' drinks, many are full of sugar, or worse, artificial sweeteners that could hinder your workout."I would not recommend drinking artificially sweetened beverages prior to working out. I'm against artificially sweetened anything. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to disrupt beneficial bacteria in your gut, and optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients begins in a healthy gut.
Green Bananas
While bananas are a great pre-workout snack, make sure you grab a ripe one! Unripe fruit isn't a good idea before you work out, as it could cause uncomfortable gas and bloating, Hartley says. Choose a banana that's completely free of any green at the stem. Brown spots on the skin indicate it’s in the ripe stage. At this stage the sugar content will be absorbed easily, otherwise, the unripe banana is in the starch stage and more difficult to digest.
Hard Boiled Eggs
Hard-boiled eggs are a great source of lean protein, but they don't provide carbohydrates for energy. Plus, their protein stays in the stomach and takes a long time to digest, which could weigh you down at the gym, 
Protein Bars
Don't be fooled. Many protein bars on the market are no better for you than a candy bar! If your bar has more than 200 calories and too little protein, it could be weighing down your workout,a certified nutritionist and eating strategist.
Coffee Drinks
Need an afternoon pick me up? Skip the whipped coffee drink if its within a few hours of your workout time. While caffeine can improve your workout, the excess sugar and calories won't."They pack on the calories, but they won't keep you full. And many [coffee drinks] can contain the equivalent of 20 packs of sugar.
Coffee Drinks
Need an afternoon pick me up? Skip the whipped coffee drink if its within a few hours of your workout time. While caffeine can improve your workout, the excess sugar and calories won't."They pack on the calories, but they won't keep you full. And many [coffee drinks] can contain the equivalent of 20 packs of sugar,But think high-antioxidant green tea or black tea or even a nonfat latte (you get some protein in) which can provide an energy boost. Pair it with the right protein bar for the perfect balance.
Store-Bought Smoothies
While the right smoothie can be a great pre-workout snack or meal, if you buy one on the go, chances are you may get weighed down by extra sugar and fat. Blending your own fruit smoothie (use real fruit, not juice) with a scoop of protein powder is your best option
Fruit Juice
Gulping a glass of OJ might seem like a good idea before your morning sweat session, but you'll question your decision halfway through spin class, when climbing that hill seems impossible. What gives? You are better off eating the orange instead,Juice (even 100-percent fresh-squeezed) has a lot of sugar, and no fiber. While it still offers some vitamins, it will go right through your system, causing a blood sugar crash later.
Protein Shakes
Bodybuilders swear by them, so they must be good for workouts, right? Wrong! Not all, but most pre-made protein shakes contain a lot of processed ingredients, excess sugar (or sweeteners), and dairy products that can cause bloating, gas, and fatigue. Not exactly what we'd call a fitness trifecta. 
Rice Cakes
Sure, they may be low-cal, but besides containing some sugar and salt, rice cakes offer zero nutrition or protein to help you stay full or power through your workout routine.

Trail Mix
While it seems like the perfect portable pre-workout snack, trail mix can take a long time to digest and can be gassy for certain people,
Steer clear of foods high in fat (even the good kind of monounsaturated fat) like avocados just before exercise. "Fats are very important and should be consumed at other intervals in the day, just try to limit your fat intake two hours before and after exercise

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