vrijdag 27 juli 2012

Aqua Aerobic

 Water aerobics provides a low-impact alternative to traditional aerobic routines, placing less stress on joints and muscles than a comparable workout on dry land. On the website Pool Life, certified aquatic exercise instructor MaryBeth Pappas Baun says that a person's body weight in a pool is effectively reduced 90 percent thanks to their buoyancy in water, allowing participants to exercise with fewer physical jolts. Make calf stretches part of your warm-up to help prepare you for the physical demands of your routine and promote your development of proper balance in chest-deep water.


Benefits of Water Aerobics

If you experience problems with your range of motion due to weakness in your limbs, you'll find that your buoyancy within the pool adds support that allows you to extend your arms and legs more fully without discomfort. Exercising in chest-deep water also provides support for your lower back and spine, which may allow you to perform aerobic exercises within the pool that would be excessively painful on land. The water's viscosity adds a greater measure of resistance than you'd experience outside the pool, and your exertion against the water will help strengthen and tone your calf muscles during your stretches.

 Water aerobics is a moderate-intensity activity that burns 145 to 380 calories in 30 minutes, depending on your weight and how hard you exercise, according to FitnessforWeightLoss.com. If you weight 150 pounds, for example, you will burn about 145 calories while a 250-pound person will burn about 240 calories per half hour. While you might be able to lose weight faster by swimming laps, which is a more intense exercise, water aerobics may appeal to you more if you prefer group exercise, dislike putting your face in the water, or lack swimming skills.

During Workouts

Step 1

Prepare your body for exercising by warming up. The instructor will lead you through a warm up sequence but you can warm up before class by water jogging and stretching.

Step 2

Keep moving between exercises to maximize calorie burn. Perform scissor kick or jumping jacks, tread water, do lunges or move your arms rapidly through the water in front of you and in back of you.

Step 3

Increase your heart rate and burn more calories by raising the intensity of the exercise. Make your movements larger, move from one side of the pool to the other and back, and move more quickly to increase the amount of resistance on your body,

Step 4

Increase the resistance of the water against your body and the intensity of the exercise by using a foam noodle, water dumbbells, ankle cuffs or webbed paddles, suggests Baun. Substitute household items such as empty plastic milk containers for dumbbells and plastic frisbees for paddles if you prefer not to purchase equipment.

Step 5

Ask your instructor to suggest ways to increase the intensity of your workout when the routine becomes too easy for you.

Tips and Warnings

  • To lose 1 pound per week, you need to create a 3,500-calorie deficit between the number of calories you consume and the number you burn, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You can create the deficit by burning 500 more calories a day through exercise, by reducing your normal calorie intake by 500 each day, or by combining the two approaches.
  • If the class is held in an outdoor swimming pool, wear sunscreen and a hat to minimize sun exposure. Wear aqua shoes or an old pair of tennis shoes to prevent you from slipping on the bottom of the pool when exercising in shallow or chest-high water.

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